Friday, August 15, 2008

Left Wing Disdain For Obama = Tutorial For New Age Conservatism

Over the course of the last couple of years, I have strayed from listening to right-leaning pundits. That comes after years of Limbaugh (hooked since I was 15), Hannity, Beck, Savage and countless local folks. When I confess this to like-minded friends and family, they look at me awkwardly as if to say, "Uhh....have you made a switch?" Quite frankly, listening to The Right has become incredibly frustrating. After all, I agree with about 85% of what they say, so I find myself rolling my eyes and tuning out.

What have I replaced the conservative airwaves with? LEFTIST PROPAGANDA!! Sirius Satelite Radio has a channel called "Left." Incredibly creative isn't it? Listening to what these loons have to say is like a giant recon mission. It allows you to understand what kind of emotionally based and empty talking points will be hurled at you during a heated debate. Sun Tzu said, "If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can come out of hundreds of battles without danger."

Shockingly, most of the hosts - and the overwhelming amount of callers - DO NOT LIKE OBAMA!! **GASP!!** Is this the harbinger of a McCain landslide?

What I've determined from listening to these misguided folks is nothing more than the liberal philosophy in action - which is an oxymoron. You see, people who identify themselves as liberals are typically single-issue people. They define and wrap their political stance around an issue that they just happen to be very passionate about. Take these same people, however, and peel back the layers of the onion regarding other issues, and you will typically find that they will begin to lean to the right. "I'm voting for Obama because he supports the AFL-CIO....BUT DON'T YOU TUCHMAHGUNZ!!!!!!" "I'm voting for Obama because he wants to end the war in Iraq....BUT DON'T YOU LET ANY OF THOSE DURTYFURNERS INTO MY COUNTRY TO TAKE OUR JOBS!!!" This is the ultimate fear of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media, and it is why that collective entity wraps most of their platform's issues in emotion rather than facts and logic.

Conservatives on the other hand, are guided by a general philosophy that they apply to all issues; a virtual template for handling new or exisiting problems. Now.....stop linking the term "conservative" to the term "evangelical-over-the-top-religious-zealot." Shame on you for buying into the mainstream media BS that all conervatives are anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-poor old rich white guys. I may be white, but I'm certainly not rich, a homophobe, a racist, and I certainly hope that 35 isn't considered over-the-hill. That line of thinking is old-and-busted. Let me introduce you to the new hotness of conservative philosophy.

1. Personal responsibility and accountability - In other words, could the issue have been alleviated by the individual making better choices in their life? Are the consequences of action on the part of said individual being shunned and labled unfair, leaving others to "pick up the tab?" Contrary to popular belief, liberals are the ones who want to control what you do. They want the government to make decisions for you. They want to tax you at a significantly higher rate and use the money as they see fit. Conservatives want as little government as possible. The crazy right-wing-religious kooks get on their high-horse about gay marriage and the next thing you know, the mainstream media has you convinced that Republicans want to control what you do in your bedroom. Please please please do not fall into this trap. I'm a conservative Republican and I don't give a damn what you do in your bedroom. I just hope that you're having a good time! Take some video while you're at it.

2. You cannot bring the "low man" up by pushing the "high man" down - This is all about wealth redistribution, affirmative action, entitlement programs, minimum wage, universal health care, etc. I'm not rich, but I don't think that someone who IS rich - even the highly publicized top 1%ers - should be taxed at a higher rate so that I can be taxed at a lower one. That person has proven themselves to be more successful than me, and should be rewarded as such since that person positively effects the economy more than I do. And don't buy the liberal argument about people who "unfairly" inherited their fortune. So what if they won the "gene-pool-lottery." Life is tough....get over it.

3. Freedom and property are two sides of the same coin - My college econ professor was a self proclaimed communist. He would go on and on about how beautiful anything bordering socialism is. His primary argument was that the government would "give" everyone what they "needed." I rose my hand one day and said, "I need a Ferrari. Will the government provide this for me?" He claimed that I did not need a Ferrari. I kindly asked him who gave him the right to decide what I needed and what I did not need. He told me I was not being reasonable. I asked him who decided the parameters of reason within this Utopian City of Bullshit. He didn't like that too much, but it illustrates precisely a fundamental difference between liberalism and conservatism. Do you think you make enough money? What if the government came in and told you that your house was too big, and that you needed to move into a smaller one so that everyone had the same thing? This is not an exageration. Liberal Democrats want that society to exist, they just know that would not get elected if they were honest about it. Liberals want the government to control what you do, see, hear, buy, etc. Conservatives believe that individuals are smart enough to make those decisions on their own, and if they're not smart enough, than it's none of the governments business.

4. Dependency on the government is the precursor to bondage - This is no different than someone being in debt to the damn Mob. You've seen it in the movies, right? The local business owner is shaken down by the local Mafia Boss....and as a result, the local business owner loses his freedom, money, etc. Think this analogy is a stretch? WRONG!! It's actually dead-on accurate. Every time you give up a right, you lose freedom.

5. We owe EVERYTHING we currently have and own to a strong military - We live in a world where the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, etc., loves to bash the military. Isn't it ironic that it's the military that has provided the blanket of freedom that allows such morons to bash the people providing it. Amazing. Again, don't fall victim to the mainstream liberal argument that would suggest speaking out in dissent will label you un-American. It does, however, label you an ungrateful idiot. We have seen what happens when the politically correct liberals have their way with our military and intelligence agencies. It's called 9/11. And the next time someone implies that we brought on terrorism due to our foreign policy, ask them which specific tenant of that policy pissed off the radical Islamists. Ask them which piece of foreign policy legislation they disagree with most? You'll be lucky to get any answer at all. The bottom line is, Radical Islamic Fundamentalism cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be negotiated with. It can only be contained or destroyed. It is not something to be tried in front of a judge. Punishment - up to and including the death penalty - only emboldens these religious fanatics into the martyrdom they crave. A righteous death in the name of Allah is equivalent to a decent promotion and pay raise at your job; You hope it happens and look forward to what it will bring you. Liberal Argument Trap Alert: "Right Wing Christians are just as fanatic as their Islamic counterparts." To that I say, when is the last time you saw the Graham's and Falwells's burning an Iranian or Syrian flag? The same argument holds true for the opponents of Israel. The libs love to say that the Israelis are just as bad as the Palestinians. Well I certainly don't see ANY Israelis celebrating the death of Palestinians. On the other hand, a successful suicide bomb set off in an Israeli shopping center is party time for their extremist Muslim neighbors. Kind of makes you wonder why the Jewish vote in America leans to the left......

6. Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Constructionism - I don't want 9 lifetime appointees legislating from the bench, and neither should you. Law should not be created by judicial review, that is not their function. This is a big problem and one of the reasons why having Bush in office these last 8 years puts the United States in a better position than if a lib had gotten in. Don't understand what I'm talking about? Let's pick a heated topic: Abortion. Specifically, Roe vs. Wade. I don't want 9 judges deciding this issue. I want the States to handle it. Let the people decide, not 9 faceless people who have no bearing on my life. Yes, I'm pro-life, but it has nothing to do with telling a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. That liberal argument is so damn old. It has more to do with point #1. Don't want to get pregnant? Here's an idea: Don't be a drunken whore. And for you misguided folks who are jumping up and down screaming "What about Rape?! What about incest?!" Here's a newsflash: I think that's a great time to abort, and so does 90% of the population that identifies themselves as a Republican. Of course, you'll never hear the media say that, because then you might start to realize that we're actually sane and reasonable.
So for those of you out there that have a hard time identifying your overall political leanings, ask yourself how you stack up against these points. Forget what you think conservatism is all about. Don't be a sheep! Don't be manipulated by what the status-quo mainstream media would have you believe. Be open-minded! Seek out new opinions.
Ask yourself why the democrats promote the division of our citizens into their own little groups.
Ask yourself why the democrats want people to feel disenfranchised.
Don't get wrapped up in a single issue, and don't look at things through Utopian-tinted lenses. You have a brain. (Unless your name is Nancy Pelosi.) Use it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jake - nice opening conservative manifesto. One of the key lessons from the 29th century is that there is no political freedom without economic freedom. Property rights, ownership of capital, freedom to pursue different occupations and reasonable taxes are prerequisites for political freedom.
I agree with your view of conservative talk radio- it increasingly has the feel of sameness and decreasing intellectual stimulus.